Monday, June 30, 2008

New Series on ABC Family...

For the past several weeks I've been seeing previews for a new series on ABC Family called "The Secret Life Of The American Teenager." If you haven't seen the preview then you can view it here by clicking the link. The first episode wastes no time getting to the heart of the show. A young high school girl gets pregnant while at summer camp and must tell her parents about the situation while dealing with school and her parents marital issues.
Since teaching a youth Sunday school class I try quite often to keep up with what is going on in the lives of young people in today's world. While I will refrain from passing judgment on this show at this time; it is very much intriguing to me. I will be watching at least the first episode to see how much it has to offer in the realm of learning material and if you are a parent I would ask you to do the same.
The best television programs to watch are often times a basic reflection of what is going on in our society. While I hope this isn't one of those, I do realize that teen pregnancy is an issue in our country that needs to be dealt with. By reading a few of the blogs from the ABC Family website I can tell this will be a hit with the teenage girls. Some even blog about how they have gone through the exact same thing. The show for that age group may thrive or fail based off how true to life the teens think it is.
"The Secret Life Of The American Teenager" premieres Tuesday night July 1st at 7pm cst on ABC Family.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Monday, June 23, 2008

An Awesome Ministry...

I found this article on the web-site of The Daily Oklahoman and just wanted to post it to say how awesome it is when people who love God come together and truly help their community. I pray a clear gospel message is being given when helping these people with their physical needs. Please read the article, it's very much an encouragement and well worth your time.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.
(Husband of 1, Father of 2)

Another SBC Concern...

Reading the Dallas morning News today I came across this blog that should greatly concern not only the SBC, but rather the entire Christian community. A study of over 36,000 people taken by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life shows that 60% of professing Southern Baptists said they believed there are many ways to get to the hereafter. The following finding on absolute right and wrong is very scary. Where does there absolutes for right and wrong come from if it's not from their religious teachings?
"Almost eight in 10 of those surveyed said they believe in “absolute
standards of right and wrong.” But only a third said they turned primarily
to religious teachings to set their standards."
Jesus said in John 14v6: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father, but by me.
1 Timothy 2v5 says: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

So obviously, for these professing Southern Baptists there are a few horrific possibilities working with the findings of this study.
  1. The church is preaching a false or unclear gospel.
  2. Those surveyed don't regularly attend church, but rather claim "Baptist" by their tradition.
  3. They're not reading the Bible.
  4. This one is probably the most obvious that can/will tie the above together and that is they're false converts.

Matthew 9v37-38: Then He said to His disciples, The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few; Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.

In Christ Alone,

Mr. V.

(Husband of 1, Father of 2)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Christian License Plate Lawsuit...

What will they come up with next to totally waste time and the tax payers money? I came across another article in The Dallas Morning News today. This one is about a lawsuit being filed in South Carolina by the ever so funny named Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. People in a group that's united for separation. HAHAHAHAHA!!! What a joke...That makes about as much sense as cereal without milk or peanut butter and no jelly. Vote on my poll letting me know what you think of Christian based license plates.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.
(Husband of 1, Father of 2)

Church Offers Free Fertility...

I was reading the online edition of The Dallas Morning News earlier and came across an article about a Texas Church offering free fertility. The Eleven7 church is located in Southlake; a city made famous by the local high school football team. I figured the church was using this as some sort of "outreach" so I just had to read the article to see how it went. As the article began by saying, A Bedford couple has won free fertility treatment from a church whose pastor says it wants to “do for people what they can’t do for themselves.” I thought my "outreach" suspicions to be accurate. As I kept reading though, it became clear that this really wasn't about outreach, (Taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the community.) rather it was almost more of just a publicity stunt. As the article mentioned, the couple that won are church goers. The remaining applicants were "encouraged" to attend a seminar about their fertility options.

What better thing can the church do for people then give them Christ and Him crucified? I'm not saying the church shouldn't freely give to the surrounding community. What I am saying is that the church must equally provide for the spiritual and physical needs of people. They should work hand in hand to show the love of Christ. If your going to feed a homeless person or in this case help offer new life to a married couple then do it, but don't fail to give him or her the gospel. As believers our thoughts must be spiritual first. Use the physical as a means of getting to the spiritual.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.
(Husband of 1, Father of 2)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black...

It's so easy to point the finger or put blame on others then it is ourselves. Case in point, Mr. Gary Busey. Mr. Busey is by no means a role model you would want your children to have, but he does make a good point when talking about how certain people need to "wake up" and realize what they're doing. Hopefully Mr. Busey takes his own advice and he might want to review his statement about certain/all people being God's children. Below is an interview he gave with an 11yr old reporter.
I found myself feeling sorry for the girl doing the interview because of her age. Then I realized he treated her no different then how he would probably treat most anyone doing an interview. It's sad though, if that is how he normally treats people. I hope the young lady keeps doing interviews and I hope she takes the experience in stride. Just another reason why we should be teaching and expecting our young people to do big things.

In Christ Alone,

Mr. V.