Thursday, December 25, 2008

While At Wal-Mart

During the same visit to Wal-Mart that I previously posted about we had another interesting thing happen to us. We were walking down some aisle that had who knows what on it because I was blogging and not paying much attention when from behind us I hear an "excuse me sir." from a woman. I turn around to see a black lady hand in hand with a young child. By her actions she seemed to be out of breath and in a hurry. She was speaking very fast trying to explain her situation until I finally had to ask her to calm down and tell me her problem. The problem ended up being that her car had broken down and she didn't have enough money for the local transit company to take them home. I tell you that I did give the lady money, but not to boast. I tell you this to show how even in the small things in life, God is in control. Earlier that evening the three Red's and I had eaten at one of our favorite resturants. The cash that I had in my pocket was just enough to cover the bill, but it wouldn't cover the tip. Now, for those of you that know me well, just me having cash is a miracle in itself. Anyways, I used my check card to pay for our meal thus keeping my cash. Back to the child and lady in Wal-Mart. Some may call it odd or a coinsidence, but as for me and my house we shall praise the Lord. I don't know if that lady really had car trouble or if she was just scamming people in Wal-Mart and I don't care. What I do know is that Christ bought me with His life's blood and all He asks of me is to share freely with others what He has blessed me and my family with. I pray that woman will be touched by God in whatever her true needs are. Again, I boast only in Christ and may He be lifted up everyday of the year.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, December 22, 2008


Have you ever just stood somewhere and observed other people? The Vineyard family has spent the last few hours on our pre-Christmas date shopping and it has finally drawn down to the final stop of the night at everyones favorite place; Wal-Mart!! Standing and waiting for the girls to get out of the restroom I've gotton several minutes to watch and listen to others as they
push thru their shopping experience. The first couple I took notice to was a middle aged couple that was getting ready to pay for the goods in their cart and I assume by the defeated looks on them, they felt as though they had been here to long. I say here because I'm blogging and walking the aisles of our local Wal-Mart all at the same time. Anyways, this couple didn't show the normal signs of being married, but I would say they had a daughter or close relative to buy for. How do I know that? I looked in their cart, genius!! On with the point. This couple had a rough homely look to them. The lady was probably fairly young, maybe my age even, but her facial features where that of someone twice her age. Her coat was torn to the point you could see the insides starting to fall out. Anywoo, all the above just to say that during this time of being thankful to the Lord for sending His Son to die for us on the tree; remember to think of others and be thankful for the life that God has blessed you with.

Merry Christmas!

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Would Dr. King Vote for Obama...

In the days that followed the 2008 Presidential election I noticed that a lot of African American churches where holding victory services for President Elect Obama. While it's a major first in our country's history with the victory of Sen. Obama for President the question comes to mind of how much should our churches be rejoicing in this victory. This question isn't out of the possibilities of churches loosing their tax status with the government, but rather on a couple of main issues that Obama stands for. Those two issues being abortion and gay marriage. Of course Obama will say he doesn't believe in gay marriage, but rather co-habitation rights; so he tries to get by with a technicality. Anyways, during all of these victory services I continue to hear the name Dr. King and how this victory is the dream that he was referring to in his "I have a dream" speech. Ultimately all the talk of Dr. King brought forth the big question and title of this blog, "Would Dr. King vote for Obama?" As I continue to research Dr. King I hope to add different articles or info from time to time. The following is a portion of an article entitled "Myths of Martin Luther King" written by Marcus Epstein and it just might surprise you as it did me. If we solely base our opinion off of Mr. Epstein's article then the answer to my question would have to be an emphatic "YES", Dr. King would of voted for Obama. The myths brought forth by Mr. Epstein are listed below, but I do encourage you to read the entire article.

Myth #1: King wanted only equal rights, not special privileges and would have opposed affirmative action, quotas, reparations, and the other policies pursued by today’s civil rights leadership.

Myth # 2: King was an American patriot, who tried to get Americans to live up to their founding ideals.

Myth # 3: King was a Christian activist whose struggle for civil rights is similar to the battles fought by the Christian Right today.

Myth # 4: King was an anti-communist.

Myth # 5: King supported the free market.

Myth # 6: King was a conservative.

Myth # 7: King wasn’t a plagiarist.

Each myth mentioned has links attached to them for your reference. This is a very interesting read at a very interesting time in our country.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lifeway & Women Pastors...

"Southern Baptists pull cover with women pastors" is the title of an article I just read from the online edition of the Dallas Morning News. If I had just taken the article at "title" value then I would probably disagree with Lifeway for taking them off of shelves in over 100 stores across the country, but after actually reading the article I tend to agree with them. From the quote below you will see the actual reason for the removal of this edition of Gospel Today.

Chris Turner, a spokesman for Lifeway Resources, said the cover was not the
reason the magazine was pulled from Lifeway's shelves. "The buyers said

the statements that were in it took positions that were contrary to what we would
say," Turner said. "It wasn't so much that there were women on the cover."

Of course, we will have to purchase the magazine to find out exactly what Mr. Turner is speaking of when talking about "contrary positions." The magazine can still be purchased from Lifeway if you ask for it. In my opinion though, after going to the magazine's website I don't understand why Lifeway would even offer Gospel Today to their customers. The magazine's website boasts all of the name it and claim it prosperity teacher's they've put on their cover.

The scripture for not having women pastors is found in Paul writing to Timothy in the book of 1 Timothy 2v12. Also, look at the qualifications Paul gives those desiring to hold the office of bishop, elder, and pastor in chapter 3v1-7 of 1 Timothy. In verse 1 notice that Paul makes the office exclusive to men. Then in verse two it's required for a bishop, elder, and pastor to be able to teach. Reference the "able to teach" back to 1 Timothy 2v12 and you'll see that the scripture is clear on this topic.

The article also mentions how SBC churches are independent/autonomous in their individual governing. It also states how a few of the 42,000 churches have women in pastor roles. This topic of autonomy was brought up after I blogged on "Hot Topics in The SBC" by a good friend of mine named JB who is a reformed Baptist. JB just wanted to mention the fact that SBC churches do govern themselves and that's why they are ran in so many different ways. I have no issues with SBC churches being autonomous, but I do believe that the autonomy that we have and use should begin and end with the Bible. The Scriptures are very clear in how the church should be ran and as I know JB would agree, we should stay within the road map that the Scriptures provide. It's when we get away from the map that the church gets lost.

In Christ Alone,

Mr. V.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hot Topics In The SBC...

An article entitled "Lifeway follow-up poll examines hot topics" was posted Monday on the Baptist Press web-site. The article speaks of a few different topics such as speaking in tongues, baptism, and of course Calvinism. I'll leave the 27% of SBC pastors to worry with the Calvinism topic for now and I'll talk about the portion of the article entitled, "Who Makes Decisions."

The 2007 study was conducted with 405 SBC Senior Pastors and asked the question of, "Which of the following best describes the primary decision-making process at your church?"

The results are as follows:

42% Congregation-led

30% Pastor-led

6% Committee- or team-led

4% Deacon-led

4% Elder-led

3% Board or council other than elders

2% Staff-led

0% Trustee-led

7% Other

Acts 6v1 tells us who should be delegating/directing the congregation in important tasks, initiate ministries, and in charge of being a minister of the Word.
Acts 11v28-30 says who should handle the church finances.
Acts 15v1-7 explains who should discuss/debate the doctrinal issues of the church.
Acts 15v20-23 & 28, 16v4 tells us who should make the decisions that are binding upon the church.
Heb. 13v7 & v17 tells us to remember and submit ourselves to those that rule over us, for they watch for our souls.

These are just a few examples of what the Bible says about who should govern the church. So why do so many options make Lifeway's list? Why aren't SBC churches following the model set forth in the Bible when it comes to the decision making of the church?
The study showed 42% of SBC churches are Congregation- led. Are the above scriptures referring to the congregation? The study says 30% of SBC churches are Pastor- led. Are the above verses a reflection of a pastor? Well, yes they do count as qualities that a pastor should hold. By using our biblical model though, we don't see them in a singular format. We see a group of leaders making the decisions of the church. So, one pastor shouldn't govern the church alone for any long period of time. If you've looked at the scriptures presented above it's very clear that churches should be Elder- led. Yet, the survey shows only 4% of SBC churches are governed by elders.
The SBC wonders why it's having such major problems, but all you need to do is look at how their churches are being led. When we don't follow the Bible's example of leadership we shouldn't be surprised when things go horribly wrong in the church body.

"Actions reflect leadership"
In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Over the past several weeks I've seen numerous things and been apart of several conversations dealing with the topic of one's legacy. So of course, the wheel begins to turn in my head of "What is the legacy that I'm building for myself?"
Of course we all want to think that we are doing everything well and building an awesome legacy for ourselves, but we need to think deeper then that. If we want to know what type of legacy we are building then something very scary will need to be done. That very scary task would be to ask those closest to you for an honest answer to your questions. Yes, I'm saying to ask your family and best of friends about how they see and think of you.
Before going to others though, take an honest look at yourself and answer your own questions about what you think your legacy would be. What will you be remembered for? Will people remember how much you spent at work or how you loved to spend time with family and friends? Will you be remembered for your theology over talking to people about Jesus? Will you be remembered by your children as being a doer of the Word rather then just a hearer?
These and others are questions that I've started to ask myself when it comes to building a legacy that my children would be proud to tell.

At this point would your legacy be worth telling?
In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

44yr Old Gives Birth to 18th Child...

No, I'm not speaking of the yahoo who is being called a man!! I am however speaking of an awesome story I read the other day. Click here to view not only the article, but some of the wild replies that people are giving.
For me the most interesting part of the story is the reaction to the story itself. The following are some of the responses.

"I'd really be interested in knowing what the parent's level of education is, because one of my biggest concerns about our current society is that the less-educated are breeding and multiplying out of control."

-How did our society turn into one that says the smaller the household the more intelligent the parents?

"Oooh Let's just keep having more babies to destroy what's left of our Earth."

-Does it concern anyone else here that some people actually value the earth over human life? Besides, it's not having children that's destroying the earth. It's not teaching those children how to take care of the planet that's contributing to the earths demise. Therefore we aren't being good stewards of what God has given us.

"My God, what a bunch of idiots on this board!! There is nothing worthwhile on this earth than life and these people have given life as God commanded."

-The above was added just to show how people can try and give glory to God, but still blaspheme His name all in the same statement.

I'm 45 and have one child, age 5. He wears me out. My mother used say that God gave Man a brain, so that he could figure out how to stop having so many kids. After all, if God wanted Man to have many children, they would come in litters, rather than one at a time.

-What Bible verse is that? And have any of you seen Jon & Kate Plus 8? Talk about a litter!

Anyways, not all the comments left on the message board where negative, but by far the majority of them where.
I'm sure you're wondering what is the point of all this. Well, it's pretty simple if you think about it. Our society has a bad attitude toward children. And yes, I'm including the church as well. The next time a new couple that has 5 or 6 children visits your church or when you see that family in the store think about your reaction to the situation. One of the comments left asked the question of "don't they know what causes that?" Would that be your response? That family isn't being ridiculed because they aren't providing for their children. They are being mocked for the very fact of having children.
Society says we shouldn't have children because it will interfere or disrupt our happy lifestyles. We can't go on some great vacation or I can't buy the car of my dreams because of the price of a child. We are a society of self indulging heathens who only believe in the "I- factor." I want this or I think I need that.
As for the future of the Christian church in America...
The church only baptizes about 14% of our own members children. Even with baptizing 14% of our kids stats still show that 85% of all children raised in church will leave the faith after they graduate from high school. Stats also show that 92% of your average SBC church going family have not held a single family devotional within a given year.

So, here is my question to you. What is the life-span of the church if our families continue to stop having children and then never read the Bible with the one's we do have?

"The church in America is dying, one family at a time."
-Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Church Shooting Has North Texas Ties...

KXII news out of Sherman Texas is reporting that one of the deceased from yesterdays shooting in Knoxville Tennessee had strong ties to North Texas.

The following is from the KXII web-site. The article can be read in its entirety by clicking on the above link.

KXII has confirmed a former Texoma teacher, 61-year-old Linda Kraeger, is one of
two people who died Sunday in a church shooting in Knoxville,
Tennessee. Kraeger taught English at Grayson County College, and taught at Gainesville High School before she and her husband, Duane, moved to Tennessee just 18 months ago. Another Texas couple, Joe and Mary Ann Barnhart also moved with the Kraeger's. Joe Barnhart and his brother, Jack, are among the wounded.
Be in prayer for the survivors of this tragedy. Pray for the Lord to send His faithful into their lives and present them with the true good news of Jesus Christ.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

The Secret Life...Episodes 3 & 4

Yesterday I was finally able to get caught up on this series. This will probably be the last time I write about the show unless I see an interesting topic in an episode. I must say that I'm still very much interested in how the show will play out. The writers have done a nice job so far growing the characters and introducing us to new ones. Our two Christians have started their different paths and so far Grace, even though she has lied to her parents is for the most part holding serve. Jack though reminds me of the modern day church and is being pulled to and fro.
Amy's secret is known by just about everyone except her new boyfriend and parents. Thus far it hasn't been to difficult keeping the secret from her parents seeing how they are more concerned with their own problems. By the way things are going though, it won't be long before she has to tell them about her being pregnant. As a matter of fact, Amy did tell her dad that she has had sex. He goes into a yelling rant until Amy's mom comes in wanting to talk with him alone. He then forgets that it was ever mentioned and the two daughters leave their parents to be alone in the kitchen. The show is giving us reason to believe Amy's dad is having an affair on his wife, but it hasn't come out and said so yet. We just might find out tomorrow night because Amy's mom asked him that very question as the show ended last week.
I've enjoyed the show for a couple of reasons. One being that it shows us how Hollywood and some of our society views teens and Christianity. The other being how it brings topics to light that I can use/talk about during the Sunday school hour. The more I'm around young people, the more I've learned that they do and will talk about most anything. The key is most of the time, you the adult will have to bring up the topics.
There's nothing wrong with learning from your children, especially when it has been a long time since you were that age. Just keep teaching, praying, staying one day ahead of them, and God will take care of the rest.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Secret Life...Episode 2

Episode 2 aired Tuesday night and in my opinion didn't keep with the enthusiasm that the first one provided. While I'm still hooked on watching the show, I don't think this episode did much for growing and forming the character's. I would say that is probably to be expected since the first episode did such a great job of selling viewers on watching the program. I would say episode 2 would remind you of your average day of high school.

There where a few key points that come out of this week's show. The first one being that Amy's secret is starting to get passed around school. Her best of friends where over heard talking about Amy's situation by the friends of her new boyfriend.

Amy has decided to take the ignore it and it will go away approach to her pregnancy. We'll see how long that works out for her.

The writer's really over used the lines, "I'm a christian, your a christian, we are all Christians" in this episode. Real life people just don't talk like that. The writer's need to move from talking about being a christian to showing the viewers how one lives it out on daily basis. Or show us how a false one will live their life. The last interesting moment came from the band hall. Ricky and Amy are talking about happened the previous Friday night at the dance between Grace and Jack. Amy makes the statement of, "Grace's mom is my dad's ex-wife." The reason why that's so interesting is because on last week's show Grace informed Jack that her mom waited for her dad until he was done with medical school. We either have a blooper by the writer's or a new twist in the show. Personally, I'm rooting for the twist.

In Christ Alone,

Mr. V.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Secret Life Of The American Teenager...Episode 1

After recording the show on the greatness of the DVR I was finally able to make some time to watch the first episode of ABC Family's latest series. My overall statement on the show at this point is, I'm hooked. While the show does over do the Christian character in some areas, I can understand why. The show is making it clear that being a Christian means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. I do hope that the non-believers watching this show understand that and don't take it as Christians are odd or strange people.
Actress Shailene Woodley plays the role of "Amy" the young girl who becomes pregnant at summer camp by "Ricky" who is the drummer in the school band and is well known as being the schools biggest "player" of teenage girls. Ricky, played by Daren Kagasoff turns out to have been molested by his father as a child. Ricky's father then abandons him into the system of Social Services. According to Ricky's psychologist it's because of the molestation that Ricky turns to casual sex with any girl possible.
There are a couple of innuendos that might not of been caught by some in this first episode. One taking place during Ricky's session with his psychologist. His psychologist says, "The sovereign hand of Social Services reached down and plucked you out of that horrible situation and placed you in the arms of a family that loves you and has the greatest hopes and dreams for you."
For us believers, we know that God plucked us out of our hell bound situation and placed us under the saving blood of Christ.
The two Christian students I've seen in the show thus far are the cheerleader "Grace" played by Megan Park and "Jack" played by Greg Finley who is Grace's boyfriend and the star of the football team. Grace has promised God, her parents, and herself abstinence until marriage. While Jack has promised himself to Grace and is what the writer's of the show might call an immature or young believer. Jack has difficulty with the realization that Grace is serious about not having sex until she is married. It's from Grace and Jack's conversation we see Satan's temptation come into play. The temptation comes to Jack in the form of a young girl named "Adrian," played by Francia Raisa. Adrian is the girlfriend of Ricky, the school drummer and more notably the father of Amy's unborn child. Adrian over hears Jack and Grace talking about not having sex. She sees how weak Jack is and is more then willing to help him out in this matter. She seals her offer by taking a bite out of an apple; that being our second innuendo. Jack falls or jumps at her offer and also eats of the fruit. His repentance at first seems to be sincere, but the more you listen to him the more it seems fairly shallow. I guess we'll see as the episodes role on. Episode 1 ends with Grace's autistic older brother catching Adrian and Jack kissing outside of the gym.
I'm very interested in seeing the outcome the writers will give our two so-called Christians by the end of this series. How will Grace react to this situation? How will Jack handle the sin that he has committed against God, himself, and Grace?
My DVR is locked and loaded for Tuesday night at 7pm cst on ABC Family.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Monday, June 30, 2008

New Series on ABC Family...

For the past several weeks I've been seeing previews for a new series on ABC Family called "The Secret Life Of The American Teenager." If you haven't seen the preview then you can view it here by clicking the link. The first episode wastes no time getting to the heart of the show. A young high school girl gets pregnant while at summer camp and must tell her parents about the situation while dealing with school and her parents marital issues.
Since teaching a youth Sunday school class I try quite often to keep up with what is going on in the lives of young people in today's world. While I will refrain from passing judgment on this show at this time; it is very much intriguing to me. I will be watching at least the first episode to see how much it has to offer in the realm of learning material and if you are a parent I would ask you to do the same.
The best television programs to watch are often times a basic reflection of what is going on in our society. While I hope this isn't one of those, I do realize that teen pregnancy is an issue in our country that needs to be dealt with. By reading a few of the blogs from the ABC Family website I can tell this will be a hit with the teenage girls. Some even blog about how they have gone through the exact same thing. The show for that age group may thrive or fail based off how true to life the teens think it is.
"The Secret Life Of The American Teenager" premieres Tuesday night July 1st at 7pm cst on ABC Family.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Monday, June 23, 2008

An Awesome Ministry...

I found this article on the web-site of The Daily Oklahoman and just wanted to post it to say how awesome it is when people who love God come together and truly help their community. I pray a clear gospel message is being given when helping these people with their physical needs. Please read the article, it's very much an encouragement and well worth your time.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.
(Husband of 1, Father of 2)

Another SBC Concern...

Reading the Dallas morning News today I came across this blog that should greatly concern not only the SBC, but rather the entire Christian community. A study of over 36,000 people taken by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life shows that 60% of professing Southern Baptists said they believed there are many ways to get to the hereafter. The following finding on absolute right and wrong is very scary. Where does there absolutes for right and wrong come from if it's not from their religious teachings?
"Almost eight in 10 of those surveyed said they believe in “absolute
standards of right and wrong.” But only a third said they turned primarily
to religious teachings to set their standards."
Jesus said in John 14v6: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father, but by me.
1 Timothy 2v5 says: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

So obviously, for these professing Southern Baptists there are a few horrific possibilities working with the findings of this study.
  1. The church is preaching a false or unclear gospel.
  2. Those surveyed don't regularly attend church, but rather claim "Baptist" by their tradition.
  3. They're not reading the Bible.
  4. This one is probably the most obvious that can/will tie the above together and that is they're false converts.

Matthew 9v37-38: Then He said to His disciples, The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few; Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.

In Christ Alone,

Mr. V.

(Husband of 1, Father of 2)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Christian License Plate Lawsuit...

What will they come up with next to totally waste time and the tax payers money? I came across another article in The Dallas Morning News today. This one is about a lawsuit being filed in South Carolina by the ever so funny named Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. People in a group that's united for separation. HAHAHAHAHA!!! What a joke...That makes about as much sense as cereal without milk or peanut butter and no jelly. Vote on my poll letting me know what you think of Christian based license plates.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.
(Husband of 1, Father of 2)

Church Offers Free Fertility...

I was reading the online edition of The Dallas Morning News earlier and came across an article about a Texas Church offering free fertility. The Eleven7 church is located in Southlake; a city made famous by the local high school football team. I figured the church was using this as some sort of "outreach" so I just had to read the article to see how it went. As the article began by saying, A Bedford couple has won free fertility treatment from a church whose pastor says it wants to “do for people what they can’t do for themselves.” I thought my "outreach" suspicions to be accurate. As I kept reading though, it became clear that this really wasn't about outreach, (Taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the community.) rather it was almost more of just a publicity stunt. As the article mentioned, the couple that won are church goers. The remaining applicants were "encouraged" to attend a seminar about their fertility options.

What better thing can the church do for people then give them Christ and Him crucified? I'm not saying the church shouldn't freely give to the surrounding community. What I am saying is that the church must equally provide for the spiritual and physical needs of people. They should work hand in hand to show the love of Christ. If your going to feed a homeless person or in this case help offer new life to a married couple then do it, but don't fail to give him or her the gospel. As believers our thoughts must be spiritual first. Use the physical as a means of getting to the spiritual.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.
(Husband of 1, Father of 2)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black...

It's so easy to point the finger or put blame on others then it is ourselves. Case in point, Mr. Gary Busey. Mr. Busey is by no means a role model you would want your children to have, but he does make a good point when talking about how certain people need to "wake up" and realize what they're doing. Hopefully Mr. Busey takes his own advice and he might want to review his statement about certain/all people being God's children. Below is an interview he gave with an 11yr old reporter.
I found myself feeling sorry for the girl doing the interview because of her age. Then I realized he treated her no different then how he would probably treat most anyone doing an interview. It's sad though, if that is how he normally treats people. I hope the young lady keeps doing interviews and I hope she takes the experience in stride. Just another reason why we should be teaching and expecting our young people to do big things.

In Christ Alone,

Mr. V.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

As I'm sure most churches across America gave honor and praise to the heroes that served our country through out history, ours was no different. It was a very spirit and pride filled part of the Sunday morning service.
Is what concerns me is that while the honoring of our military heroes was and is great, the honoring and glorifying of the God that gives us life and everything else we have in this world is lacking.
The more I observe the local church, the more I see that she has fallen into the trap of praising the gift over the giver. It's ultimately God that gives us everything we have and that includes the wonderful freedom that we as a country enjoy. Our society, which is now full of the high self-esteem soccer mom mentality has us believing that we should hold ourselves in high regard. A teaching that goes against what the Scriptures say about mankind. The Bible says that by nature we are children of wrath and enemies of God. We are dead in sin and trespasses and even our so called good works are as filthy rags to God.
The church has joined in this horrific thought process of believing that we are honoring God by holding His gifts in such high regard. This is dangerous because it ultimately only feeds our society's belief of us needing temporal "things". "Things" are what for a season will feed our worldly desires until we realize that something newer or better has hit the market and the desire returns.
Celebrating the gift over the giver will for a time relieve the guilt of your lack of serving the one true God. That is until you stand before Jesus on judgment day and He tells you to depart from Him because He never knew you.
Will your reply to Him be, "But I loved whole heartily for the children, spouse, home, and even the church that you gave me to help"?

The first Commandment says to love God with everything. It doesn't say to love His gifts above Him.

Where is Jesus on the list of things you love?

Actually, where does Jesus rank on the list of things the modern church loves?

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I recently read the book "Do Hard Things" written by Alex & Brett Harris. This is a must read for several reasons, but two in particular are 1) This book will open your eyes to how an entire generation or so have been living with low expectations placed on them by the outside world. 2) The author's are 19 year old twins that have not only written a book, but have led a judicial election campaign and are the youngest to ever serve as interns for the Alabama State Supreme Court. This book is a must read for every young person and adult alike. Visit their blog at

Below is an article from the Dallas Morning News showing an example of a local young person doing something that most thought he couldn't just because of his age.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Important Issues...

As we draw closer to the end of yet another school year it amazes me how the important issues of yesterday differ from the ones today. This morning I awoke with the thought of how I should be ready for the lights of Friday night football or the usual Saturday track meet when it hits me that I'm long past those days. It's kinda funny how it hits me just about the time my feet hit the floor. Then I realize how I'm awaking to a lot of responsibility. Married with a daughter and another baby girl on the way, who would of thunk it. I know that during high school being a parent wasn't in the play book. My priorities where myself and my activities. I was a sinner loving my sins for a season. I cared only about Track & Field and Oklahoma Football. While I still enjoy those sports today it's on a much smaller level. I haven't been to an OU football game since my daughter has been born. I will never forget how cold it was in Kansas City for the 2004 Big XII Championship game though. Heather about two and a half months from being do with Madison and waddling around the stadium because of her crazy hubby. What a great weekend it was. Heather and I got to see a new city and the Sooners dominated Colorado 42-3 on the legs of a young freshman phenom by the name of Adrian Peterson. While all that was fun and will be great to remember I know the best is yet to come.
Madison can be as independent as me and as mean as her momma. She loves books, which I hope is a foundation that she will cling to and hearing her sing "Jesus Loves Me" is by far sweeter then Bob Barry's infamous "TOUCHDOWN OKLAHOMA!!".
I know baby Megan will be awesome as well because she is already giving her momma fits.
A daddy's prayer of thanking God for saving an undeserving wretch like me and how I would do anything for God to save these two little girls and make them wonderful witnesses for Him.

Oh how the important issues of yesterday have changed....

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


If you haven’t read the news today, “The Boss” Bruce Springsteen has given Sen. Obama his endorsement for President. The following is an excerpt from a letter that was posted by Springsteen on his website, "He speaks to the America I've envisioned in my music for the past 35 years, a generous nation with a citizenry willing to tackle nuanced and complex problems, a country that's interested in its collective destiny and in the potential of its gathered spirit.”

Now I, by no means am affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican parties, but when I go to the voting booth on election day my Bible goes with me. Other people may take different things with them like their traditions, experiences, or even Hollywood. It’s the main stream entertainment factor that I want to focus on here.
Over at least the last several years we have seen people like “The Boss” and others use their popularity to try and swing the American voter in a certain way. At least with President Reagan and Gov. Arnold the money they spent was actually on their own candidacy and not someone else’s. With Springsteen backing Sen. Obama and saying that “he speaks to the America I’ve envisioned in my music for the past 35 years” it raises a big question for me. What kind of country does Springsteen want America to be? That question is raised out of my biggest concern with Sen. Obama being President and that is his belief on the right to kill babies at anytime the mother desires during her pregnancy.
If that’s the type of America “The Boss” is wanting then we are in for even worse then what the last eight years have brought, as Springsteen mentioned our current President in his letter.
I guess I’m saying I understand an old rocker backing Sen. Obama about as much as Oprah Whinfrey understands the Christian Bible. But wait, Oprah backs Obama as well.
Anyways, “The Boss” needs to stay with his music, Oprah needs to stick with interviews, politicians need to politic, and preachers need to stand firm on preaching the gospel of Christ and nothing else. No, I’m not talking about separation of church and state, even though for the most part it’s probably a good idea seeing how the church is currently in another battle. That would be the battle of trying survive with the rest of the big business world that she is wanting to be a part of. And just like business, she currently seems to be in a recession.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Americans & Their Relationships

The following article is from the March 17, 2008 edition of the Barna Update. It was a 1000 person survey about people's most important relationships. When looking at Barna's results I ask that you first, take stats for what they are.........stats. A thousand people obviously don't speak for an entire nation, but it's a good starting point for us to look at a couple of things. Secondly, I ask that you keep the following two items in mind while reading Barna's results.
1. Each individual church should examine herself and see if any of the following applies to them. & 2. If these stats do apply then that church should take a good hard look at the message being given to her people.

(Ventura, CA) Americans have a global reputation for being religious people, but a new study from The Barna Group indicates that people’s most important personal relationship is not with God. Family surpassed their Heavenly Father as the key personal connection. However, when asked to identify the most important group or network in their life, colleagues from their church topped the list, mentioned by three out of every ten adults.
Most Important Relationship
Adults are clearly most focused on their family in terms of important relationships. Overall, seven out of ten adults mentioned family or family members as their most significant connection. One-third said their entire nuclear family is tops, while one-quarter (22%) named their spouse and one-sixth (17%) identified their children. (An additional 3% mentioned their parents as their key relationship.)
The only other relationship mentioned by at least 3% was various iterations of people’s deity. God, Jesus Christ, Allah, and the Trinity were among the names listed by one out of every five adults (19%).
Surprisingly, just 2% of adults said a specific friend represented their most important personal relationship.
Among the related findings were:
The people most likely to list God were 40 or older.
Political conservatives were almost three times as likely as political liberals to identify God as their most important relationship (33% vs. 12%, respectively).
People in the Midwest were only half as likely as residents of the West and Northeast to say their children are their most important relationship.
The only subgroup for which at least one-third said God was their most significant relationship was evangelicals, among whom 70% listed God.
Thirty percent of Protestants listed God as their most important connection. In contrast, just 9% of Catholics did so.
Blacks were about twice as likely as all other Americans to describe their bond with God as their most important relationship.
Women were nearly twice as likely as men to list their children as their most important relationship.
Most Significant Groups
Although adults listed numerous groups or networks that they deem to be most important, those groups generally fit into five categories. Three out of every ten adults (29%) said their church was the most significant group affiliation. The people they affiliate with at their place of work represented the top choice for two out of every ten people (18%), followed by loose associations of friends that regularly gather together (14%), a hobby club or social group (12%) and interaction with people in the neighborhood (7%).
Various subgroups displayed divergent priorities.
People 25 or younger listed friends as their most critical network; church ranked fifth on their hierarchy. In contrast, adults over 25 ranked church as their key social group, followed by their work relationships.
Three-quarters of evangelicals (74%) said their church was their main social network. They were the only population segment from which half or more identified a given network. Atheists and agnostics were most likely to rate their workplace as their top network. Notional Christians were evenly divided, with one-fifth identifying work, one-fifth mentioning their church, and one-fifth listing friends.
Unexpectedly, residents of the West were more likely to list their church group than any other group.
While 44% of Protestants said their church was the prime social group in their life, only 16% of Catholics concurred. Among Catholics, their church ranked as the third most significant social group.
Political conservatives were more than twice as likely as political liberals to position their church as their central social group. Liberals were nearly evenly divided among work, social clubs, friends and church as their dominant social associations.
Interesting Patterns
George Barna, leader of the company that conducted the research, highlighted several intriguing outcomes.
"People were more than 50% more likely to say that their church’s congregation is their most significant group than to say that God represents their most important personal connection. That certainly reflects the interpersonal comfort that millions of people have developed at their church, but also indicates that people may have forgotten the ultimate reason for belonging to a Christian church."

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

The Modern Family

I just read an interesting article in Newsweek by Kathleen Deveny entitled "Liar, Liar, Parents on Fire". It's interesting to see how people view topics such as bearing false witness/telling lies.
In this particular article the author shares some in-sight from her relationship with her 7 year old daughter. The article is found below, but you can also read it by clicking on the following link:

When my daughter asked me why it was embarrassing that former New York governor Eliot Spitzer was involved with a cowgirl ring, I didn't hesitate. "Bad lariat tricks," I explained. She looked a little confused, but let it drop. I know that I'm not supposed to lie to my kid, but I didn't feel like explaining prostitution to a 7-year-old. But it is hardly the first whopper I've told my child, and it got me thinking about how I really feel about honesty as a policy. Over the years, I have concocted elaborate tales of how the Easter Bunny finds us even when we're on vacation in Florida. I have artfully dodged questions about where babies come from and proclaimed my child's half-hearted scribblings works of genius. I have promised her that I would be home at 6:30, even though I knew in my heart I would never make it in time. I have implied that if I don't do some work while we're on vacation that we could someday end up homeless. I'm not proud, but I also know I'm not alone. "Don't feel bad," says Alan Hilfer, director of psychology at Maimonides Medical Center in New York. "We all tend to lie to our children on a regular basis."
But there are lies, and then there are lies. Hilfer assures me that Santa and the tooth fairy are not (necessarily) the stuff of future therapy sessions. Instead, they fuel kids' imaginations and make holidays more magical. Children long to believe in these stories, and parents like me are only too happy to accommodate them. Coaxing children to lie in order to spare someone's feelings—"tell Grandma you love the pair of socks she knitted for you even though they're really scratchy"—is also perfectly acceptable, according to the pros. In fact, the ability to understand these kinds of "pro-social" lies is a positive developmental milestone for children, according to Victoria Talwar, an assistant professor at Montreal's McGill University and an expert on children and lying. It shows they have developed empathy and have begun to understand that there is a world beyond them.
The experts were less reassuring, however, about what I have come to think of as lies of convenience. You know, telling your child you cannot afford to buy a $3 sack of polished stones at the science museum when the truth is that you just don't want any more rocks at your house. Pretending to call Santa on your cell phone to alert him to bad behavior also apparently falls into the unacceptable category. Even though I think that what most parents lament about this particular white lie is that it can be employed effectively during only a few short months, it actually represents abdicating parental responsibility. "That's asking Santa to do your job," says
Wendy Mogel, a child psychologist in Los Angeles. "That's asking Santa to do your job. Santa's job is to get down the chimney and eat the cookies. You have the courage to say 'no' to your own child." After absorbing that bombshell, I asked Mogel about the downside of false praise. She says that telling your child everything he or she does is great ultimately does them a disservice. We do this because we want our kids to be secure and to like us, she says, but plenty of research shows that external reward reduces intrinsic motivation. Better to ask them about their process—why they chose blue for their artwork or decided to make Mommy's head square.
Like most parenting advice, the truth about lying is both slightly obvious and nearly impossible to follow. I'd like to think I've lied for the best of reasons—to make a holiday extra-special or because I really meant to leave work early and spend time with my child. But I've also lied because I was exhausted and wanted to avoid an argument. By 7 or 8, experts say, most kids understand the intentions behind a lie, which puts me right in the danger zone. So I'm going to try to stop lying to my daughter because I want her to trust me, and because I don't want her to learn that lying is an effective strategy for dealing with the adult world. Even if that's the sad truth.

By the author's own admission in the article it's obvious that she lies to her child, but the big question is what are the motives behind her or us for that matter in doing so. The author makes a few statements like "I've lied for the best reasons" or because "I wanted to avoid an argument," but that is only justification for what she/we are doing. We lie because at the time it seems to be in our best benefit to do so and not for the good of our children as the author claims. It's all about us and what we want. The author says she lies because she doesn't want more rocks in the house or because the topic was of discomfort to her. Our motives are for ourselves first, but to suppress that realization we justify it by saying everyone does it or we want our children to have an extra special holiday.
If you want your children to have an extra special holiday then teach them Jesus' birth on Christmas and His resurrection on Easter.
Based on this article I tend to agree with Wendy Mogel when she puts the responsibility back on the parents. Santa shouldn't be the authority in our homes, but rather the parents through the Scriptures.
Lying to our children doesn't teach them how to lie. Just remember back to the first time your child knew they were going to be in trouble after you asked if they had colored on the wall. They said no. And they did so because at that time they thought it would benefit them. So again, we lie for our own benefit and the only difference is that as adults we have become better at it.
Effects of lying.....
First off it's a sin against God. The 9th Commandment says that you shall not bear false witness.
Secondly, when we lie it becomes real hard for others to trust us in anything.
Thirdly, when our children begin to view us a liers then we lose all authority and credibility with them.
Therefore, hold the Bible above the rulings of your household and God will take care of the rest.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


From what I've read the origins of this day are for the most part a mystery. Some say that it started in France and others just admit to not knowing. Since my worldview is based upon the Bible, here is my two cents worth for this day.

Psalms 14v1 The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God

So in celebration of today, find your friendly neighborhood atheist and witness to them.
After all, today is their day......

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Jury Duty

I figured that most everyone that I know would want to hear about the three days that I spent on jury duty this week so I thought starting my own blog would be a good way to share it.
From the moment I arrived at the court house I was hoping for an early exit in order to get back to the routine of my daily life, but it didn't take long for me to realize that from the nature of the case and the average age of the fifty possible juror's that there was a high probability of me being chosen.
Before getting into the details of the case I must admit that I did learn at least a couple of things during the experience. If you enjoy reading but sometimes find it hard to get time to enjoy your favorite books, get called in for jury duty. I was able to knock out Mark Dever's book "The Gospel & Personal Evangelism". I do recommend it and it's an easy read with only 115pgs or so.
The other thing I learned was that if serving on a jury was the most difficult thing I had to do in order to live in the greatest country in the world then I was going to take it seriously. I know personally that I a lot of times forget about the troops that put their lives on the line daily in order to keep us safe. God bless our troops and their families!!
While going through the process of answering questions and waiting on the attorney's I became even more convinced of how society has become so relative that flat out right and wrong almost don't exist anymore. The DA would read the law and someone would disagree with it because of some circumstance that in their mind made the law void. Like in this case, a thirty-something year old man was accused of having sex with a child. In Texas the law says that a child is anyone that is seventeen years of age and younger. The defendant had already admitted to the crime in another county and received a three year prison term for it. He was now pleading double jeopardy because he was being brought to trial for the same thing and because of the same fourteen year old victim. The reason double jeopardy didn't work was because the victim was claiming the offense happened in two different counties. The defendant was claiming that he didn't know how old the girl was so that should give him the right to not be punished for it.
Well folks, a lack of knowledge doesn't get anyone off the hook when it comes to the law. It might lower the punishment some, but it doesn't make the law void.
While listening to the above example and many others that different people offered, I couldn't help but realize that when we continue to make the law void in our society the easier it becomes to try and explain it away. Then the thought that followed was how can people think they can continually break God's law and not ultimately be punished for it? If we can't trivialize civil law enough to get off the hook then how much more demanding is the law of God?
Civil law says that in order for someone to be found guilty the state must prove its case beyond a shadow of a doubt. In cases like the one I sat on a lot of it comes down to "he said/she said". We weren't there when it did or didn't happen. We don't know 100% if that person on the stand is telling the truth or not, especially when the attorney's do such a good job dis-crediting them. In this case everyone was using drugs during the time of the events and they all had lied at some point in their testimony's. It again brought me back to how we all will stand in judgment before a Holy God one day and the only jury will be Him. He will know 100% of the facts in all of our cases without us even having to say a single word.
So even though the state didn't prove its case beyond a shadow of a doubt and we returned a not guilty verdict, I have a feeling that there will still be hell to pay for our defendant. Our county DA has five other cases going to trial in the coming months against this same man.
The bigger question is, who is your defense attorney and how much stock do you put in him to save you from a guilty verdict on your judgment day?

In Christ alone,
Mr. V.