Thursday, December 25, 2008

While At Wal-Mart

During the same visit to Wal-Mart that I previously posted about we had another interesting thing happen to us. We were walking down some aisle that had who knows what on it because I was blogging and not paying much attention when from behind us I hear an "excuse me sir." from a woman. I turn around to see a black lady hand in hand with a young child. By her actions she seemed to be out of breath and in a hurry. She was speaking very fast trying to explain her situation until I finally had to ask her to calm down and tell me her problem. The problem ended up being that her car had broken down and she didn't have enough money for the local transit company to take them home. I tell you that I did give the lady money, but not to boast. I tell you this to show how even in the small things in life, God is in control. Earlier that evening the three Red's and I had eaten at one of our favorite resturants. The cash that I had in my pocket was just enough to cover the bill, but it wouldn't cover the tip. Now, for those of you that know me well, just me having cash is a miracle in itself. Anyways, I used my check card to pay for our meal thus keeping my cash. Back to the child and lady in Wal-Mart. Some may call it odd or a coinsidence, but as for me and my house we shall praise the Lord. I don't know if that lady really had car trouble or if she was just scamming people in Wal-Mart and I don't care. What I do know is that Christ bought me with His life's blood and all He asks of me is to share freely with others what He has blessed me and my family with. I pray that woman will be touched by God in whatever her true needs are. Again, I boast only in Christ and may He be lifted up everyday of the year.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

-- Post From My iPhone

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