Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Being A Teen Again...

The thought of being a teenager again has crossed my mind over the last couple of weeks. The reasons for the thought are 1. teaching youth again and 2. having another birthday. Just to go ahead and clear the air, there is no way I would want to go back and become a teenager again.

Sunday morning in class we talked about trusting others and the fear of the unknown. I'm still young enough to remember what they are talking about when they make those claims, even though they might not think so. Some are concerned over boyfriend/girlfriend issues, others are worried about tests and homework or athletics. Then there are some that are worried with bigger things, like wondering if their parents will be home when they get there or if mom and dad are fighting again. These are all issues that happen everywhere, even small towns like the one I live in. Yet, it almost seems as though these issues will never be approached or spoken too. They will continue to go on until the youth either moves out or goes away to college. Then, depending on the issue those same concerns will be left for a younger sibling to be worried with; not to mention what the adults in the home are putting each other through.

I then begin to wonder, "where does the church come into all of this?" Some of these kids have been involved in the church in some form or fashion for a period of time, yet as I mentioned above, nothing is done. So where does the church define the line of getting involved in the life of a young person? Is it just offering them a cool place to come and hang out in hopes that something the teacher or preacher says sticks? If so, then what's the point? Even the public school system has a better plan then that. Speaking of the public school system, I would dare say the church looks more like it then the other way around, but that is a topic for another day. I would also say that it doesn't take offering the kid food or a cool place to hang out in order for them to show up or even open up and talk. All it really takes is to ask them. Teens love to talk about all different kinds of issues. They just don't want to be approached as children. I've come to realize that people will react to expectations. If you expect a child to be hard working and caring, most of the time they will be. All people want to be given truth and no one wants to feel talked down to. If a young person knows that you are serious about what's going on with them and you want to share truth with them, regardless how hard it may seem, they will respond. The question should really be, "Are we prepared for what they might say?" Are we as adults prepared for the unknown of the life of some teenager?

So, there is no way I would want to go back and be a teenager again. And my reasons have nothing really to do with the above. I've lived those years for a God given reason and purpose. That purpose was to prepare me for the work that He has for me. That work being to worship Him and to lead my family in a Christ like manner and I wouldn't trade those for anything.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

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