Friday, April 22, 2011

Long Time...

Looking at our BRBC pastor blogs I realize that its been over a year since I've posted anything on my own. It's Easter weekend and today; Good Friday I spent at home with the Reds. I got in about four hours of work and we spent the rest of the day napping and goofing off.
Madison had another t-ball/baseball game last night and she has started to put together a nice little complete game. She seems to enjoy playing and that's good enough for me. As she gets older and figures out exactly what sport(s) she enjoys the most then we'll look at specializing.
Megan is still growing like crazy. She seems to be just like her daddy in a lot of ways so I feel sorry for a lot of people. :)
She of course wants to do all the things that her big sister does. I think in the long run she does have an advantage that Madison didn't; having an older sibling to watch and follow.
Heather is almost the same person from a year or two ago. The Lord has been doing some spiritual growing around our house and I think Heather has probably grown the most, which is probably a good thing for the fact she has to keep up with me. She has done an awesome job at being a wife, mom, school teacher, and many other things. The girls and I are definitely blessed!
As a family we have learned and are continuing to learn a lot about not just doing ministry, but rather living it. Making ministry a part our everyday life. Just to serve in what most would call the little things has been a huge blessing. I hope the girls are learning just how important other people are and how those around us are in need. I hope they become intentional at looking for places to serve their community.
This has been a Good Friday! Mostly because of Jesus and what He did on the cross, but also how the Holy Spirit has pierced and changed me to become more like Him everyday. The Lord continues to show me Himself through family and friends. I'm blessed only because of the Lord and I love Him only because He first loved me. He does it all and I'm thankful for what He has, is, and will be doing.
Remember and rejoice in the true meaning of Easter!!

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

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