Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The only thing I could think of for the title of this post was the word, finally....Finally, after almost a year of meetings, resumes, interviews, guest speakers, (one of which was myself) an interim pastor, a lot of church member questions, and more meetings; we finally have ourselves a new pastor!! Somewhere around the five O'clock hour of Sunday July 19th 2009 we called our newest pastor to FBC. Finally.....

Even though it may seem like I'm making the Pastor Search Team sound like something that would be horribly awful to be apart of, I am very thankful for the God given opportunity to be apart of something that will have an effect on our area for years to come. Holding such a position is very important and should be given to those who are held in the highest esteem and respect, which makes me wonder what people where thinking when they placed me on the team.

With my new experience I've been able to confirm one thing; I can't stand meetings! My temperament or thought train aren't what I would call people friendly. I've had to come to the realization that I don't think the same way as most people that have spent their entire lives in church think. I don't understand how the Bible can openly show an example of how to handle business, yet we do it almost completely opposite. For the life of me I can't figure out how meetings are suppose to be about a certain issue, yet can some how turn into a conversation about how the watching of "R" rated movies may or may not be a sin. Speaking of which, "The Passion" by Mel Gibson is rated-R. Honestly though, people probably think the same about me and that's cool. I say that's cool because that means something I've said or done has left an impression. Now I must make sure that impression was left by doing something from the Word of God and not of the selfish flesh. If the impression is left of the Word then to God be the glory, but if it's from my flesh then woe is me. The following is one of my favorite quotes, "What I'm saying might very well be harsh, but the bigger question you have to ask is whether or not what I'm saying is true." -Paul Washer. That always reminds me to love in giving truth.

So what's next...Well, the Pastor Search and the Constitution Review Teams are behind me. I'm not sure really about what's next within the local church. We do have a new Dude coming aboard in the next couple of weeks so we will see what changes he will bring. I have a year to Chair the Nominating Team, but by the end of August that will be down to a minimum. Me teaching again has come up over the past few months. Not sure on when, where, how, whom, or if I will though. That's okay though because God is in control of it.

It's funny how people will argue the separation of church and state, yet don't realize how much of each is in both....

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was great. People do not realize that to hold such a position is very important because you are seeking the next leader for your children. And by putting the wrong leader in will only undo what you are teaching your children. Great Job. It also show the humility to which you have risen through His name. Only God can make the change, not the man. As far are R rated movies, each person is responsible for their own actions. Ignorance of the Word of God is no excuse. We have been called to be seperated, a peculiar people. Even the Word says that the way the world hated him, it will likewise hate us. If we do not encounter the devil, head on in our lives, more than likely we are going in the same direction he is.
You're awesome and a good example for other men to follow.

Pastor Ray