Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Long Time No Post...

It's just past 11pm and I'm watching the Rangers play the Angels. They are currently winning 8-1 and looking to over take the Angels for first place in their division. Red #3 is not wanting to go to sleep so she is in the middle of our bed kicking, playing, and having a good ole time.

Anyways, part of the reason for not posting in so long is that the last several months have been a crazy and wild time around here. The other part is that I've let Twitter and Facebook take up more of my time. They have proven to be a quicker way of sending and viewing information. Speaking of Twitter, if you're not on or following me then you should be; follow me @NickVineyard.

Reading a new book this week; Simple Church by Thom Rainer. It has even further opened my eyes on how today's church has made things so much more difficult then they need to be. Will write more later on my thoughts about the book. Last week I finally finished up "Vintage Church" by Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. Driscoll has become one of my favs when it comes to dealing with our culture while not compromising the Word.

The last 8 months of church have taken a large amount of my time as well. I some how found myself on the Pastor Search Team. Then I found my way on the Constitution Review Team, followed by taking over the chair position of our Nominating Team as well as helping keep the church website updated. Our church website is, but don't look at it for a day or so because I've been slacking on that job. Then finally, getting my first actual opportunity to preach before the church. The preaching was fun, I definitely learned a lot during the two weeks I had to prepare for the service. I appreciate a lot more what the "pros" go through during preparation. Other exciting news on the church front at FBC Blue Ridge is that we will be having a pastor come in view of a call on July 19th. That day will also be the 5th Anniversary for being in the new facilities. Should be an exciting day of fellowship and it will definitely be a busy one.

Speaking of churches, you guys check out Blue Ridge Bible Church, they are doing some good things over there. Kevin Wilson will be teaching on marriage over the next several weeks, should be some good stuff. Their web-site is

Well, the Rangers game is headed to the ninth and they are still up 8-1. Guess I'll get off of here and watch the final six outs before calling it a night. Hope all is well with everyone and I plan on getting back to posting on a regular basis.

In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

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