Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hot Topics In The SBC...

An article entitled "Lifeway follow-up poll examines hot topics" was posted Monday on the Baptist Press web-site. The article speaks of a few different topics such as speaking in tongues, baptism, and of course Calvinism. I'll leave the 27% of SBC pastors to worry with the Calvinism topic for now and I'll talk about the portion of the article entitled, "Who Makes Decisions."

The 2007 study was conducted with 405 SBC Senior Pastors and asked the question of, "Which of the following best describes the primary decision-making process at your church?"

The results are as follows:

42% Congregation-led

30% Pastor-led

6% Committee- or team-led

4% Deacon-led

4% Elder-led

3% Board or council other than elders

2% Staff-led

0% Trustee-led

7% Other

Acts 6v1 tells us who should be delegating/directing the congregation in important tasks, initiate ministries, and in charge of being a minister of the Word.
Acts 11v28-30 says who should handle the church finances.
Acts 15v1-7 explains who should discuss/debate the doctrinal issues of the church.
Acts 15v20-23 & 28, 16v4 tells us who should make the decisions that are binding upon the church.
Heb. 13v7 & v17 tells us to remember and submit ourselves to those that rule over us, for they watch for our souls.

These are just a few examples of what the Bible says about who should govern the church. So why do so many options make Lifeway's list? Why aren't SBC churches following the model set forth in the Bible when it comes to the decision making of the church?
The study showed 42% of SBC churches are Congregation- led. Are the above scriptures referring to the congregation? The study says 30% of SBC churches are Pastor- led. Are the above verses a reflection of a pastor? Well, yes they do count as qualities that a pastor should hold. By using our biblical model though, we don't see them in a singular format. We see a group of leaders making the decisions of the church. So, one pastor shouldn't govern the church alone for any long period of time. If you've looked at the scriptures presented above it's very clear that churches should be Elder- led. Yet, the survey shows only 4% of SBC churches are governed by elders.
The SBC wonders why it's having such major problems, but all you need to do is look at how their churches are being led. When we don't follow the Bible's example of leadership we shouldn't be surprised when things go horribly wrong in the church body.

"Actions reflect leadership"
In Christ Alone,
Mr. V.

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