Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lifeway & Women Pastors...

"Southern Baptists pull cover with women pastors" is the title of an article I just read from the online edition of the Dallas Morning News. If I had just taken the article at "title" value then I would probably disagree with Lifeway for taking them off of shelves in over 100 stores across the country, but after actually reading the article I tend to agree with them. From the quote below you will see the actual reason for the removal of this edition of Gospel Today.

Chris Turner, a spokesman for Lifeway Resources, said the cover was not the
reason the magazine was pulled from Lifeway's shelves. "The buyers said

the statements that were in it took positions that were contrary to what we would
say," Turner said. "It wasn't so much that there were women on the cover."

Of course, we will have to purchase the magazine to find out exactly what Mr. Turner is speaking of when talking about "contrary positions." The magazine can still be purchased from Lifeway if you ask for it. In my opinion though, after going to the magazine's website I don't understand why Lifeway would even offer Gospel Today to their customers. The magazine's website boasts all of the name it and claim it prosperity teacher's they've put on their cover.

The scripture for not having women pastors is found in Paul writing to Timothy in the book of 1 Timothy 2v12. Also, look at the qualifications Paul gives those desiring to hold the office of bishop, elder, and pastor in chapter 3v1-7 of 1 Timothy. In verse 1 notice that Paul makes the office exclusive to men. Then in verse two it's required for a bishop, elder, and pastor to be able to teach. Reference the "able to teach" back to 1 Timothy 2v12 and you'll see that the scripture is clear on this topic.

The article also mentions how SBC churches are independent/autonomous in their individual governing. It also states how a few of the 42,000 churches have women in pastor roles. This topic of autonomy was brought up after I blogged on "Hot Topics in The SBC" by a good friend of mine named JB who is a reformed Baptist. JB just wanted to mention the fact that SBC churches do govern themselves and that's why they are ran in so many different ways. I have no issues with SBC churches being autonomous, but I do believe that the autonomy that we have and use should begin and end with the Bible. The Scriptures are very clear in how the church should be ran and as I know JB would agree, we should stay within the road map that the Scriptures provide. It's when we get away from the map that the church gets lost.

In Christ Alone,

Mr. V.

1 comment:

Matt Henslee said...

on a similar note..I thought LW was moving in the right direction with building bridges...but what's with the hunt/bridges (?) john 3:16 stuff?